Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“PP”) aims to protect the privacy of all those who use the website (“Site”), whose domain belongs to Números Surreais, Lda , thus informing them of how their personal data will be collected and processed.

Números Surreais , Lda. is obliged to comply with the applicable legislation in this matter, in particular the rules contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016.

Therefore, we ask that you read this PP carefully, and if you have any questions regarding the exercise of your rights in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can do so by sending an email to .

Finally, please note that providing your personal data when using the Website implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained in this PP, which is supplemented by our Cookies Policy .

  1. Personal data

    Under the GDPR, " Personal Data " will be any and all " information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; ".

  2. Persons responsible for processing personal data

    The responsibility for the processing of personal data that may be transmitted within the scope of the use of the Site, regardless of its nature or ownership, will always lie with Números Surreais, Lda.

    However, within the scope of the processing of Buyers’ personal data – Individuals or legal entities that use the Site to purchase products sold by Sellers – , Surreal Numbers, Lda. and the Sellers will act as Joint Controllers, and will be responsible for mutually determining the purposes and means of such processing, as well as delimiting, between themselves, and in a transparent manner, their respective responsibilities for compliance with the specifically applicable legislation, particularly with regard to the exercise of the rights of the holders.

    Given that joint responsibility must be proportional to the intervention or influence of each of the co-responsible parties, joint responsibility for the processing of buyers' personal data, to be shared between Números Surreais, Lda. and the SELLERS , will naturally be limited to only the personal data that will actually be processed by both parties in pursuit of the same purpose.

    Specifically, there will be joint liability (between Números Surreais, Lda. and the SELLERS ) in relation to the following personal data of buyers:

    • First and last name – for the purpose of identifying buyers;
    • Address and postal code – for the purposes of sending purchased products;
    • Email address – for risk management purposes and as a point of contact;
    • Telephone and/or mobile number – for contact purposes;
    • Tax identification number (NIF) – for tax purposes and for commercial transactions, invoicing and payment.

    Co-responsibility for the processing of buyers’ personal data (between Números Surreais, Lda. and the SELLERS ) starts from the moment the buyer makes payment for the selected product.

    Whenever justified, Números Surreais, Lda. may use Subcontractors, understood as such, the individuals or legal entities that process personal data on their behalf, a fact for which the users of the Website hereby give their express consent.

    In particular, Subcontractors will be used for the purposes of: managing the commercial relationship between Buyers and Sellers, providing sales and supply services, processing payments and invoicing, ensuring the execution of due diligence and procurement operations. back office, namely in terms of technical and operational support and assistance necessary for the operation of the Site, as well as all others deemed necessary and/or convenient at any given time.

    The Subcontractors used by Números Surreais, Lda. will implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data transmitted to them, in order to ensure the defense of the rights and interests of the respective holders.

    Without prejudice to the above, it should be noted that the privacy policy of the Sellers to whose Website the Site may refer is not applicable to Números Surreais, Lda. , which is not responsible for the information that may be made available there.

  3. Collection and processing of personal data

    Access to and mere use of the Website by Users does not imply the collection or processing of any personal data. However, whenever the User creates an account on the Website, certain data will be collected, the nature of which varies depending on the purpose associated with it. The purposes underlying the collection and processing of data can be found in point 7 of this PP.

  4. Transfers of personal data

    In certain cases, personal data transmitted by Users of the Website may be transferred to other entities that provide services to Números Surreais, Lda . operating outside the European Union space.

    In the specific case of the transfer of personal data to entities located in the United States of America, we ensure that they comply with the principles established in the Privacy Shield (an agreement concluded between the European Commission and the US Department of Commerce that imposes special safeguard and caution obligations on US companies receiving personal data collected in the European Union).

  5. Rights of personal data holders

    Users of the Website, regardless of the capacity in which they act, are guaranteed the right to access, rectify, withdraw consent, oppose processing for the purposes previously defined, erase, limit and transfer the personal data they have transmitted.

  6. Personal data retention period

    The personal data collected and processed by Números Surreais, Lda. will be kept for the entire period of time in which the users’ registration on the Site remains active.

    Once the user's registration on the Site has been terminated, the personal data that the user has transmitted to Números Surreais, Lda. will be kept for up to 1 (one) year from that date, unless another retention period is provided for by the specifically applicable law.

    However, the user of the Site may, at any time, request Números Surreais, Lda. to delete the personal data that he/she has transmitted.

  7. Purposes associated with the collection and processing of personal data

    The personal data provided within the scope of the use of the Site will be processed and stored electronically in databases specifically created for this purpose and must be provided as they are necessary and indispensable for the fulfillment of the following: purposes : registration of Buyers and Sellers; access, use and enjoyment of the Website by them; execution of other purposes, including the provision of services to Buyers and Sellers, execution of commercial transactions to be concluded between them, commercial management of Buyers and Sellers, carrying out Marketing and sales operations, including sending information about new or current products, offers or other promotional actions; compliance with legal obligations in force (in particular of a fiscal, administrative and judicial nature).

  8. Security measures

    Surreal Numbers, Lda. is committed to protecting the privacy of its Website users. Therefore, it uses highly innovative security systems that ensure that any and all personal data transmitted to it by Website Users is adequately stored and protected, preventing and impeding any unauthorized access to these elements, as well as their loss, disclosure, destruction or use beyond the purpose for which they were collected.

    Specifically, Surreal Numbers, Lda. adopts the following security measures:

    - Encryption of all personal data transmitted to you;

    - Mandatory use of a personal password for each User;

    - Increased safeguarding of data relating to Users' debit or credit cards. This type of data will not be stored, thus ensuring that third parties cannot access or use it.

    - Constant supervision of computer servers in order to reduce any possibility of attack or vulnerability.

  9. Cookies Policy

    The Website uses Cookies, which are understood as text files that identify the User's computer on the Números Surreais, Lda server. Therefore, the Cookies used do not individually identify the Website User and, to that extent, do not constitute a tool for collecting personal data.

  10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    Surreal Numbers, Lda. reserves the right to make any changes that may be necessary to this PP. Whenever this happens, they will be published on the Website.